
Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm still here.... I PROMISE!

Life has been CRAZY!  Since my last post I received TONS of wreath orders.  I was so slammed with making wreaths I didn't have much time for anything else. Then the first part of November I had about 10 orders for Thanksgiving shirts so I was busy with those. It was a blessing I got the orders, the money I made payed for all of our spending money at Disney!!!

The week before Thanksgiving Michael and I surprised Jillian with a trip to Disney World!  We all had a BLAST and we are already planning our next trip!  I joked with our travel agent that we have turned into "Disney people" and she said we must have drank the water!  Soon I'll share with you some of the cute outfits I made and ordered for Jillian to wear on the trip.

When we got back it I was in full Christmas mode and had a bunch of shirt orders and shopping to do. 

Two days after Christmas was Jillian's 4th Birthday!  I took the afternoon off work and Michael and I took her and her best friend Emma to a movie and out for frozen yogurt!  Tomorrow is the big party day and I can't wait to share the details with you.  I planned a CARNIVAL!  We have games, booths, cotton candy machine, popcorn..... the works!  My mom will be in town for a few days but after she leaves hopefully I'll have a little more time to blog and share the party details with you. 

I hope to spend a little more time over here in my little section of the www to share my recipes, crafts and random stuff with you all.  See ya soon!

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