
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Womb Mates

Last fall I was asked to make some Womb Mates shirts for a friend to give to one of her friends that was expecting twins. I came up with a simple circle design with Womb Mates in the center.  The mommy to be was having a boy and a girl so I chose to use a light pink fabric on one and blue on the other.  The shirts came out so cute that the twins Mommy just hired me to make a second set of shirts since the twins have out grown their first set!  I thought you all might like seeing these cute little onesies (is there are correct way to spell that? spell check never tells me).

Since those shirts were such a hit I knew that I had to make Jillian's teacher that is expecting twin girls some womb mate shirts for them!  I am a little bummed that the blue thread I used didn't show up as bright on the fabric as I would have hoped but in person you can read them much better than this picture I snapped with my cruddy camera. 


  1. I am interested in ordering 2 onesies....I emailed but it was "undeliverable"....please contact me with prices and information:
