
Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, after the April tornados my work life got NUTS and I really haven't had the time or energy to do much crafting!  I have done a few simple things here and there and this is one of them.  Jillian and I are home today and tomorrow since she is sick (Michael took Monday and Tuesday) so I have a little free time to share this yummy recipe (if you can even call it a recipe) with you. 


I found this idea on another blog and honestly it's been so long I don't have a clue where I found it! 

All you need is Pillsbury Ready to Bake Sugar Cookies and sprinkles!

You basically just roll the cookies around in the sprinkles and then bake them according to the package directions. We like the little multicolored "ball" sprinkles best. 

The cookies turn out so good, I PROMISE you won't be able to eat just one!


  1. What a smart idea. I think I will make them for Malika's birthday, she loves anything with sprinkles.

  2. I'm sure these were just what the Dr. ordered!
    How pretty they are. My niece will love these.

  3. Sprinkles make everything better!!!!

  4. Hi Jamie...I featured these cookies on my blog today! Come on over and visit if you'd like and take a Featured Button on my sidebar. I am definitely going to make these...very cute. Happy Friday.

  5. i heard one of the New jersey housewives talking about sprinkle cookies..NOW i know what she was talkin about!

  6. How awesome! These remind me of a cookie I use to eat as a child...I can't remember their actual name, but they had sprinkles! Love! I am your newest follower from the Bacon blog hop, hope you get a chance to stop by and take a look around! :)

  7. I am so making these! My daughter will think they're best things ever. Thanks for the inspiration. Love your blog too!

  8. Thanks: I'm off to Target for Red White and Blue sprinkles and am making these for my daughter's school 4th of July party!
