
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Fling Giveaway Day 1

I don't know about you but I am so excited that today is finally the first day of giveaways!  We are all so thankful for April over at Wildflowers and Whimsy for organizing this wonderful event and I can't wait to see who wins these wonderful prizes each day! Make sure you tell all your friends about these wonderful giveaways, this is such an awesome thing! 

Today you need to head over to A Crafty Southern Chick to check out these neat Rosette Earrings and Necklace that Leighann is giving away!

Once you've visited A Crafty Southern Chick you need to head over to Increasingly Domestic and enter Amy's giveaway to win a rice neck heating pad and a Burt's Bees polka-dot perfect mani-pedi kit!

 See you tomorrow for another great set of giveaways!

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